Puja Datta Sharma
About Me
Meet Puja
I am a Transformational Coach, and the Founder of Aloha Ikigai.
Aloha Ikigai is the manifestation of my dreams; a dream to support people realise their highest true inner strength and be truly happy.
A dream that came into being from of my own struggles and transformation, a work in progress even today and will always be… for till we breathe, we are all students of the school called life.
But amidst our struggles, there is a dark space, where seeing the light is not always easy. I remember with deep appreciation the support I had to make the journey from darkness to light and these transformational breakthroughs have defined who I am today and the path I have chosen.
My mission is for each person to realize their highest potential and be truly happy through this life changing journey we take together.
My ultimate mission is YOUR HAPPINESS. Is it yours?

"A journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step"
- Lao Tzu
My Journey
I started my own healing journey when I was 23 - from reading spiritual books to certifications in Reiki (Level 1&2), Violet Flame Healing and Tarot Cards. At 26, I discovered Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism which deepened my understanding of life and its purpose and expanded my vision to help others in their journey too. For over 18 years I have been volunteering to support people live happier lives based on this beautiful Buddhist philosophy while challenging my own struggles.
Life’s struggles have been my teaching ground.
From a confident happy child, I don’t know when I grew into a self-doubting, unhappy, unfulfilled adult.
I remember feeling overwhelmed, stressed, stuck, anxious, helpless and hopeless as life’s challenges pushed me in a corner each time. And each time, I remember deciding that I needed to transform my situation for my happiness. That transformation had to begin with deep inner work.
Over the years, based on my Buddhist practise, Coaching, Therapy and Mind-Body practices, I have been slowly changing my life – overcoming the pain of losing loved ones, working through wrecked relationships, rising from extreme burnout and anxiety, reconnecting with my purpose, reinventing my career, learning to love and respect myself and living in harmony and gratitude.
And through it all, I remember, with deep appreciation, the support of people who helped my journey that held me strong.
These transformational breakthroughs have defined who I am today and the path I have chosen. They have made me a better and stronger person who can view life from a more balanced and joyful lens.
After feeling unfulfilled in my previous career and searching for my life’s purpose for years, I finally realised one day that I wanted to dedicate my career to supporting others take such transformational journeys and be stronger and happier.
So after certifying as a Holistic Life Coach and Mind Body Connection Practitioner, I started working with people taking them on the transformational journey they desire to unfold a life imbued with the spirit of Aloha Ikigai.
My Approach
Working on challenges without diving into the pattern of thought, belief & behaviour underlying the problem may give results temporarily but will not be a long-lasting solution. The underlying patterns will resurface either in the same or different challenges sooner or later.
That is why I take a holistic approach that addresses the challenges you face at all levels - mind, body, emotions & spirit, transforming your inner landscape to create a profound lasting change.
I use a spectrum of modalities including:
Coaching tools & techniques
Mind Body Connection practices
My approach is about you and what works best for you. I give you a safe non-judgemental space and hold your hand to help you to
dive deeper into who you are and who you want to be
become more self-aware of your self talk, the stories & conclusions you have drawn about your life
challenge your borrowed beliefs
break through & reframe the thoughts, beliefs & behaviour patterns that are not serving you anymore
learn powerful tools, techniques & practices that support the change you desire
integrate new beliefs & behaviour that empower you to live authentically in alignment with your purpose
Our mind and body are deeply connected such that our thoughts & feelings influence our physical health. Our body has great potential to heal through the power of our belief.
I work with you through:
1:1 coaching sessions tailored to your needs
Enriching workshops
Soulful retreats that combine learning, creativity, and interaction
